What are Processed Foods?

What are Processed Foods?

hat are processed foods? Most people know that processed food is bad for them, but surprisingly most people really don’t have a full understanding of what processed food actually is. Sure, everyone knows that cookies, microwave pizza and things of that nature are all processed, but that is just the beginning. Learning what processed foods are and why they are almost always bad for you is an important place to start when trying to improve your overall health.

Examples of Processed Foods

One of the simplest ways to learn about what foods are processed is to look at some different types of foods that are considered processed. Some of these are well known, and others may be surprising to you. Read through this list and think about which ones are often found in your pantry, refrigerator or freezer.
  • Cereals – Breakfast cereals are always processed and almost always have a lot of salt and sugar added to them.
  • Canned Vegetables – Most canned vegetables are considered processed because they have a significant amount of salt and sometimes other things added to them to help preserve them. Fresh veggies are always a better option.
  • Cheese – This is one that many people don’t think about. Cheese, however, is a processed food. If you’re looking to eliminate all processed foods, you will want to avoid cheese. This is especially true of ‘cheese products’ such as canned cheese, which also have a variety of other items added to it.
  • Some Meats – While fresh meat is not processed, there are many examples of meats that are. Bacon, for example, is almost always made by adding a lot of nitrates, salts, sugar and more. When this is the case, it should be avoided. You can have your meats processed without these harmful things so keep that in mind whenever purchasing your meat.
  • Convenience Foods – Pretty much anything that is designed to go in the microwave is going to be processed and very bad for you. Things like pizza rolls, hot pockets and others have a surprising amount of sugar, salt and hydrogenated fats added in, along with many other chemicals. These should always be avoided.
Of course, there are many other types of processed foods out there, but this list will give you a good general idea. It also shows just how popular processed foods are, which means you have to be extra careful to avoid them while doing your shopping.

Why are Processed Foods Bad?

Most people know that processed food aren’t good for them, but many really don’t know why. Understanding why processed foods are so bad can help you to stay motivated to avoid them as much as possible.

Added Ingredients

One of the biggest problems with processed foods is that they have so many added ingredients that are unhealthy. For example, sugar is added to help improve the taste of most processed foods. Added sugar can cause weight gain, insulin issues, blood clots, inflammation and many other issues. In addition to sugar, a lot of salt is used to help preserve these types of foods. While salt is a necessary part of our diet, those who eat processed foods will typically get way to much each day. Hydrogenated fats are also found in many processed foods. These types of fats can help to make the foods taste richer and add a more desirable texture, but at quite a negative cost.

Missing Ingredients

As if the added ingredients weren’t enough, processed foods are also going to be lacking some key nutrients. When the foods are processed, they often lose a lot of their natural vitamins and other nutrients. This means that even the ‘good parts’ of processed foods aren’t really there for you. Having a good understanding of what processed foods are, and why they are so bad for you, is an important first step in improving your diet and overall health. Whether you eliminate all processed foods ‘cold turkey’ or you slowly phase them out of your life, you will be taking an important step toward improving your health and wellbeing.
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