Benefits of Sprouting
When a bean or vegetable plant is just beginning to grow, they are said to be sprouting. All plants technically sprout since it is just the stage of growth where there is just a small part of the plant that is growing out of the seed, bean, or another item. What people realize today is that the sprouts are extremely healthy. In fact, they are healthier than just consuming the bean or seed on its own because it has already started to draw in outside nutrients. People commonly consume sprouts from alfalfa, soy, mung bean, and a variety of other types today. They can be added to a salad, put on a hamburger, or consumed as a garnish or other optional part of a meal. No matter how you consume them, you will be glad to learn that there are many significant health benefits of these tiny
unprocessed plants.
Nutritional Value of Sprouts
The particular nutritional value of a sprout will depend on the exact source. They all have a good amount of
protein and dietary fiber in them. You’ll also find that you get plenty of vitamin K, pantothenic acid, folate, thiamin, vitamin C, vitamin A, Niacin, Manganese, copper, zinc, iron, calcium, and much more. To put it simply, sprouts contain a wide range of essential vitamins and minerals. These can provide you with excellent health benefits.
Improved Digestion
Due to the high dietary fiber content found in sprouts, you will enjoy a much healthier digestive system. Along with the fiber, your digestive system will benefit from a large number of helpful enzymes that can help improve the metabolic processes in the body. Adding sprouts to your regular diet can help you to avoid constipation, diarrhea, and may even reduce your risk of colorectal cancer!
Reduced Asthma Symptoms
Broccoli sprouts have been linked to reduced asthma symptoms. This is believed to be because of potential anti-inflammatory properties associated with these particular sprouts. Additional study is needed, but thus far the results are promising. In addition to asthma, these individual sprouts have been linked to reduced allergic reactions in many people.
Fighting Cold Sores
If you are susceptible to cold sores, sprouts can be a great option for you. Sprouts contain an enzyme known as lysine that helps to inhibit the growth of cold sores. You can consume sprouts to help avoid getting cold sores, or add them to your diet when you notice one developing to help stop it in its tracks.
Improved Eye Health
Sprouts are packed with vitamin A, which is linked to improved vision health. The vitamin functions as a strong antioxidant that protects the cells of the eye from free radicals. This is how sprouts can help you to reduce the risk of cataracts, macular degeneration, and glaucoma. Some research even suggests adding sprouts to your diet can contribute to improving overall vision!
Preventing Cancer
Some of the organic compounds found in sprouts have been linked to a reduced risk of many types of cancer. Also, the amino acids, proteins, and vitamins in sprouts are also ideal for reducing the total impact of free radicals in the body. Free radicals are, of course, linked to cancer in humans, so anything we can do to reduce them is going to help to stop cancer from developing, or reduce its growth if it is already there.
Healthy Heart
Sprouts are one of the best plant-based sources of omega-3 fatty acids. This can help you to raise your HDL cholesterol (the good kind) and lower the bad cholesterol (LDL). These fatty acids also reduce inflammation in the body. Reducing inflammation can help improve your blood vessels, arteries, and entire cardiovascular system. Keeping this system functioning smoothly can reduce your risk of heart attack, stroke, and other dangerous health events.
Weight Loss
Since sprouts offer such high levels of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients while containing very few calories, people who enjoy them tend to lose weight. The dietary fiber in these sprouts can also help you to feel fuller for longer than you otherwise would, which can further contribute to an overall healthy weight. Sprouts can also boost your metabolism, which will allow your body to burn off more calories so that you can lose the excess weight. This is made possible thanks to the specific proteins and enzymes found in sprouts.
Fighting Anemia
When you suffer from iron deficiency, you are said to have anemia. Iron is a nutrient that you need to get from your food. Sprouts contain a lot of iron, which will help to keep your body and especially your blood healthy. Most people get the majority of their iron from meat, but vegetarians often struggle to get enough of it in their diet. Adding sprouts is an excellent way to combat this potentially dangerous health concern.
How to Consume Your Sprouts
Sprouts will provide you with many great health benefits no matter how you decide to add them to your diet. For the best results, you will want to eat them raw since cooking them can remove some of the nutrients. Most sprouts have a very mild flavor, so you can add them to any salad, sandwich, or even place them on top of cooked dishes to make sure you are getting enough of this essential food.