Over the last several generations the ‘diet industry’ has gone from virtually non-existent to a multi-billion dollar per year giant. The vast majority of our ancestors didn’t need to learn to ‘eat real food’ because there really wasn’t any alternative. They would hunt and gather from what was around them and consume it either as it was found or after cooking. Some food was preserved by using fermentation or salting it, but even that was not done to the extent that we see it today. One of the reasons why the diet industry is so huge today is because they intentionally over-complicate things. Look back just over the past decade and you’ll see dozens of different ‘miracle diets’ each of which helped make so-called experts millions of dollars in selling books, foods, equipment and more. The reality is, however, that a healthy diet is not going to fit neatly into a little box or book. As the internet popularized and people were able to find information largely on their own, a new trend in dieting is finally starting to take hold. The trend is to simply eat real food. This may sound funny, but the reality is most foods people today eat are not food in the traditional sense. They are ‘food-like products’ that contain a combination of chemicals, processed foods, preservatives and other things.
Guide for Choosing Real Foods
Fortunately, eating real food is really one of the easiest diets to figure out. You don’t need calculators’ extensive lists. Eating real food is basically just going back to eating similar foods that our ancestors ate. In generations past, there would be no need to have this conversation. For today’s first world citizens, however, it is important to get a good idea of what it means to eat real food. Consider these points before you go shopping:
Fruits & Vegetables – Eating fruits and vegetables, ideally raw but cooked is ok, is a perfect example of real foods. These items grow on trees, bushes, in the ground and just about anywhere other than a factory!
Meats – Enjoying meat can certainly be a part of a real food diet. You do, however, want to make sure the animals where your meat comes from aren’t being fed unnatural foods. Find locally raised meats or better yet, wild animals that you can consume. The meat from these types of animals is going to taste better and be better for you.
Drink Water – Most people today aren’t getting enough pure water because they are drinking too much soda, juice, and other beverages. Each day you should be drinking mostly water, only to be substituted with other natural beverages (milk, tea, etc)
Whole Foods – To the extent possible, you should attempt to eat foods just like they are found in nature. Raw nuts and seeds, for example, are an excellent option. Fruits and vegetables are also found in nature and enjoyed.
Seafood – Fish is a very healthy source of protein and one that is available in most places today. Ideally, your seafood should be wild-caught rather than farm raised as the wild caught fish eat a more natural diet.
Where to Find Real Food
This is another one of those questions that most people throughout history would have never had to ask. Today, however, it is actually harder to find real, natural foods than it is to find the processed alternatives that people are used to consuming. Here are a few simple ways you can find and enjoy real food without having to sell your home and start your own small farm:
Gardening – Anyone looking to eat real food should absolutely start a garden. This can be done in your yard, on a balcony or even join a community gardening project. You can plant your favorite foods in your garden so you are 100% sure they are completely natural.
Farmer’s Markets – Most communities today have farmer’s markets where you can go buy food grown by local farmers. When you can actually talk to the people responsible for growing your food, you can be confident it is much more natural. These markets are a great place to find in-season meats, fruits, vegetables and more.
Front of the Supermarket – Most supermarkets keep their fresh food right in front. You can walk in, grab a cart and complete all your shopping without going more than an aisle or two in. This will save you time and keep you focused on fresh foods that are real and healthy.
Hunting & Fishing – Hunting and fishing today has largely gone from a way to survive to a hobby people do just for fun. The fact is, however, that the seafood and meat you get from hunting is going to be some of the best food possible. If you enjoy hunting and fishing, make sure you are enjoying the food you bring home too!
Enjoy Your Real Food
One last point to keep in mind when attempting to eat real food and eliminate unnatural items from your diet is that you really should enjoy the process. If you end up having to quadruple your food budget and spend every waking hour in the kitchen, you aren’t likely to stick with the program. Instead, learn how to find and eat real food that is not only healthy but also easy and delicious. This will help ensure you are able to stick with this diet option for the rest of your life (which will likely be a very long time).