Effects of MSG

Effects of MSG

Effects of MSG

Monosodium Glutamate, or MSG, is one of those things that people hear and instantly assume that it is terrible for you. MSG is added to a wide range of foods that people eat every day. It is considered to be completely safe by the FDA. The question is, what are the effects of MSG and should it be something that people following a healthy diet should avoid? As with most things today, there are points to be made on both sides of the debate. Taking some time to learn about MSG will provide you with the information needed to decide whether or not MSG is something that should concern you. What is MSG? First, let’s look at what MSG is. MSG is a food additive that is used primarily to enhance existing flavors. It consists of glutamate acid, which is an amino acid. It is commonly found in foods and is produced by the human body naturally. The food additive is processed so it is not within protein molecules, which may make it easier for the body to use. Made through a process of fermenting starches, and when added to food it helps to bring out savory flavors. MSG is a form of salt and has many similar properties. In its most common form, it is a white powder that looks quite similar to table salt or sugar. Most people in the US consume about .56 grams per day. In Asian countries, people commonly consume about 1.5 grams per day.

MSG Sensitivity

While most people experience few, if any, noticeable effects from consuming MSG at normal levels, others have been shown to be much more sensitive to it. These results do not come as a surprise since people tend to react quite differently to different foods, additives, and other things. A study of those who reported being MSG sensitive found that they had adverse reactions to 5 grams of MSG 36.1% of the time. In the same study, some were given a placebo, and they reported adverse reactions 24.6% of the time, so it is clear that there is at least some issue of sensitivity. In the study, it was found that most people who report MSG sensitivity begin to have issues when they consume about 3 grams in a meal. Consumption is nearly six times the average daily amount. Most of the effects of MSG are found in people who are MSG sensitive.

MSG May Cause Asthma Attacks

One small study looked at reports of individuals having asthma attacks when they consumed high amounts of MSG. It found that 13 out of the 32 people in the study experienced asthma related issues. Other studies did not find a link between MSG and asthma attacks. Further investigation is needed, but it is certainly something to be aware of for those who already have asthma-related health concerns.

MSG May Encourage Overeating

Since MSG makes foods taste better, it has been linked with overeating. People enjoy the taste of their meals, so they go back for seconds or even thirds. This flavor enhancer will cause an increase in calorie intake that can lead to weight gain. There have been studies that looked at the impact of MSG on how many calories someone consumes during the meal. Unfortunately, the results are not yet clear since different studies have provided different results. For example, one study found that MSG led to an overall increase of consumed calories during a meal. Other studies found that the MSG helped to trigger a feeling of fullness, which resulted in fewer calories consumption.

MSG May Be Linked to Weight Gain

Whether one consumes more calories or not, some studies have linked MSG consumption to weight gain. A study in China found that those who consumed MSG regularly did gain more weight than those who didn’t. In Vietnam, a study found that high MSG consumption did not cause weight gain. So, once again, it is not entirely clear whether there is a direct link to weight gain from MSG.

What’s the Verdict?

As is often the case when looking at people’s reactions to particular foods, there is no one clear answer on whether MSG will cause health problems or not. Based on the evidence, it is quite obvious that some people are more sensitive than others. If you find that you have any negative reaction to consuming MSG, it should be eliminated from your diet. For those who don’t show any adverse effects, it might not be something to worry about. Sticking to a healthy, natural diet will ensure you’re only getting a minimal amount of MSG in any way, so there doesn’t seem to be any compelling evidence to suggest it is necessary to take drastic actions to ensure you never consume any at all.
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