Natural Preservatives for Food

Natural Preservatives for Food

Natural Preservatives for Food

Preserving food is essential for humans. We have been doing it for thousands (if not millions) of years. Unfortunately, modern food manufacturing uses chemicals that are not healthy to dramatically extend the shelf life of the foods we eat today. Most people today trade health for shelf life, which only benefits the food manufacturing industry. What many people do not realize is that there are natural preservatives that can be used to keep food fresh. Some of them are extremely effective, even for adding months or years of usable shelf-life to our favorite foods. What’s best is that they preserve the food without additives that can cause serious health problems for the people who eat them.

Spicy Sauces

Spicy foods do not spoil nearly as quickly as their milder counterparts. This is because the peppers and vinegar that are used to make the spicy sauces are excellent preservatives. Plants that produce spicy foods often do it as a defense mechanism. The compounds that make the plant spicy also kill bacteria, resist mold, repel insects, and much more. One great way to use spices as preservatives is to make a typical dish for the family, and then apply your favorite spices or spicy sauce to the leftovers. This will essentially provide you with two very different (yet tasty) dishes, one of which can last for days (or even longer) in the refrigerator without any trouble. Of course, you will also get the health benefits of spicy foods, which can be very attractive.


The fermentation process is one of the earliest forms of preserving food known to man. When foods are fermented they can last for months, or even years, without trouble. Even for fresh foods, adding fermented options can significantly extend their life. For example, if you replace the milk in your smoothie with kefir (a fermented dairy product) it will last several days longer in your refrigerator. Mixing cooked meat with sauerkraut will add an extra dimension to the flavor of the meat, and will also help to keep it from becoming moldy or rotten. Of course, you can also ferment foods yourself and then store them in glass jars or cans for months. Fermented cabbage (i.e., sauerkraut) is a popular example of this, but there are dozens of others to consider.


Salt is another ancient food preservative that we still use today. While salt has certainly gotten a bad name in the past few decades because of its extreme overuse, it is a great preservative when used correctly. You do not need much salt to help preserve your foods, especially if you are only looking to add a few extra days of life to cooked items. Another important thing when using salt as a preservative is to choose the correct salt. Typical table salt, for example, does not do a very good job. Sea salt is much better and healthier. If you want the best possible type of salt, look for unprocessed Himalayan rock salt. This is the pink salt that you have likely seen in stores. It is somewhat more expensive than normal sea salt, but it has great trace nutrients and adds a wonderful flavor to your foods.


Garlic is one of nature’s most powerful antibacterial and anti-viral foods out there. Cooking with plenty of garlic will significantly improve the amount of time that the food will last. In addition, once you do eat the food, your body will be healthier thanks to its ability to fight off bacteria and viruses. While some people do not like the strong odor that comes from consuming garlic, it is a great tasting way to extend the life of many types of dishes that you cook.


Lemons contain high levels of citric acid. If you look at the ingredient list of many processed foods at the store, you will see that they use citric acid as a preservative. Unfortunately, food manufacturers typically do not use natural sources for their citric acid, so it is not too healthy. Adding lemon juice, or lemon peel, to your dishes will add to the amount of time that the foods will keep. Lemons do, of course, have a very powerful flavor, so it is important to keep that in mind. The sour taste goes well with lots of foods including fish, chicken, pasta, and many desserts. Whether you add lemon while cooking, or squeeze it in when putting it away, lemons are an effective preservative that you will love.

Try Them All

As you will likely notice, most of these natural preservatives are good choices for your food. Having them in your home will allow you to select the right one for the different dishes you are making. If you’re making a dessert, for example, lemon may be the way to go. If chicken wings are for dinner, the spicy sauce could be an ideal solution. Just plan out which of these natural preservatives will go best with what you’re preparing and you’ll find that your foods are lasting much longer, and your health is likely improving.
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