Processed Food Facts

Seven Surprising Processed Food Facts

Processed Food Facts

If you are visiting this site the chances are you already know (or at least suspect) that many processed foods aren’t good for you. The truth, however, may be worse than you had thought. Today we have access to a massive amount of evidence from studies, anecdotal stories and even just common sense that directly shows just how harmful these types of foods can be. Take a moment to read through some of the most important processed food facts to help you understand why it is so important to avoid them.

Fact #1 – Food Additives may Cause Diabetes

The food you find on the shelves of most supermarkets today is filled with additives such as MSG that are designed to extend shelf life and improve taste. While they are very effective at accomplishing those goals, they have also been shown to have a link to an increased risk of diabetes. This is due to the higher insulin response in the body, which can stress the system causing or increasing the development of diabetes.

Fact #2 – Processed Foods are Addictive

While people often joke around saying that their favorite chips are addictive, they may be correct. Studies have shown that many processed foods cause a dopamine response in the human brain, which is quite similar to what occurs when addicts take their drug of choice. As the brain gets used to this dopamine release, it begins wanting it more and more, triggering urges and cravings. If you feel drawn to your favorite chips, for example, you may be physically addicted.

Fact #3 – Processed Foods High in Trans-Fats Increase the Risk of Heart Disease

Most people know that trans-fats aren’t good for you, but what many people don’t realize is that these fats in processed foods often aren’t natural. They are commercially produced and used as a preservative. Researchers for the American Heart Association recently found that these high levels of trans-fats from ‘long shelf-life’ foods is a factor in raising the risk of heart disease.

Fact #4 – Sulfites are Banned in Some Foods

Sulfites are one of the more common preservatives used in processed foods such as potato chips. While many people consume sulfites on a daily basis, the FDA has found them to be so dangerous that they are banned from being used with foods designed to be consumed fresh such as salads or fresh vegetables. There has been a significant amount of research into the health problems associated with sulfites including metabolic problems, allergic reactions and more. Despite this, they continue to be used in many processed foods.

Fact #5 – Processed Foods Cause You to Burn Fewer Calories

If you’re trying to lose weight you likely want to be able to burn as many calories per day as possible. According to some studies, however, consuming processed foods can make it much more difficult for your body to burn calories. In fact, one study showed that those who consume processed foods burned 50% fewer calories!

Fact #6 – Virtually Every Modern Disease is Caused by Processed Foods

While processing foods has made it so food can be stored much longer than was possible in years past, it is not without cost. A research review that was recently conducted and published in the Journal of American Clinical Nutrition found that nearly all chronic diseases are caused, at least in part by the amount of processed foods that the average American consumes. This means if you’re having any chronic health issues, they can almost certainly be reduced in severity by switching to an all-natural diet.

Fact #7 – Your Mood & Behavior can be altered by Processed Foods

Consuming certain processed foods that contain Cyclo (CHP) has been shown to impact your mood and behavior negatively. The research looked at the link between CHP and the reactions in the mind. You can find this substance in meal replacement supplements, some fish, milk, yogurt and a variety of other processed foods. If you struggle with mood swings or other related problems, consider eliminating processed foods (or at least those that contain CHP) from your diet and see if it helps.

It’s not too Late to Change Your Diet

These and many other processed food facts make it very clear that consuming this type of food is bad for you. One nice thing, however, is that for most people it is not too late to stop or even reverse the damage done by processed foods. Whether you completely eliminate processed food from your diet, or you just want to reduce how much you eat, use these interesting (and somewhat disturbing) facts to help keep you motivated to reach your goals.
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