Processed Foods to Avoid

Processed Foods to Avoid

Processed Foods to Avoid

You’ve undoubtedly heard that (most) processed foods are bad for you and should be avoided. Even if you are not planning on 100% eliminating processed foods from your diet, there are some items that you should cut out right away. These are the types of processed foods that aren’t just missing nutritional benefits but are actually causing direct harm to your overall health. Avoiding the following foods can be an excellent first step toward enjoying a cleaner, fresher, and overall healthier lifestyle

Granola/Protein/Energy Bars

Many people look at these types of products and see them as a healthy alternative to candy, or even a convenient option for when you can’t sit down to a fresh meal. The reality is, however, that these types of highly processed bars are also loaded up with sugars, processed grains and other simple carbs. They may also contain hydrogenated fats to help them stay together. With very few exceptions, these types of bars are far from healthy. The manufacturers of these bars spend a fortune on marketing to try to convince people that they are a great food, but that is just not the case. Eliminating all granola bars, protein bars, energy bars and other similar items from your diet is a great idea.

Snack Nuts

Nuts can be a healthy part of your diet. Unfortunately, big food companies have taken an otherwise healthy food and processed them to the point where they should be actively avoided. At any supermarket, you can find dozens of examples of snack nuts such as toffee nuts, flavored nuts, soy nuts, wasabi nuts and more. These ‘snacks’ are processed with lots of salt and sugar to help them appeal to a wide audience. Don’t be tricked into thinking these are a healthy option. If you want nuts in your diet, go for the raw or lightly roasted options.


When it was first released to the market margarine was considered to be a health food alternative to the high fat levels found in natural butter. Today we know that the natural fats in butter can actually be good for you, and the Trans fats in margarine are causing a variety of health issues including high cholesterol. Not only that, but butter is widely considered to taste far better than margarine whether used directly on foods or in cooking. If you’re looking to reduce or eliminate processed foods, getting rid of margarine is an easy place to start.

Prepared (or microwave) Popcorn

When you make popcorn at home it can be a delicious and healthy snack. If you buy pre-popped or microwave popcorn, on the other hand, you will be facing a variety of problems. First, processed popcorn almost always has tons of salt and sometimes sugars. In addition, microwaved popcorn has perfluoroalkyl, which is a class of chemical used in virtually every brand on the market. These chemicals have been linked with a wide range of health issues so if you have a popcorn craving, consider getting a hot air popper and making your own at home. It is fast, fun and easy.

Cooked Meats

If you are buying pre-cooked meat products from the store, it is really time to stop. Things like chicken nuggets, hot dogs, and others are high in fat, sugar, salt and more. Cooking your meat at home will dramatically improve your overall diet. There are, of course, many other processed foods that should be eliminated from your diet. Starting with these five, however, will give you a great jumpstart toward a healthier diet that you can build on for years to come.
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