What Are Complex Carbohydrates?
Carbohydrates, commonly called ‘carbs’ are an essential type of nutrient for the body. Over the last decade or so, there has been an endless number of books and articles talking about carbs, and how they are extremely unhealthy. Some diet plans are based on the
eating fewer carbs on a daily basis. What much of the information out there overlooks, is that there is a dramatic difference between simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates. For those who are looking to have a healthy, balanced diet, learning about what complex carbohydrates are, and why they are healthier than simple carbs, is essential. Let’s get started by explaining the difference in simple terms.
Simple Vs. Complex Carbs
Complex carbs are any chain of carbohydrates that is three or more linked together, and simple carbs are those that have just one or two. When consumed, the body needs to break down the chains of carbs to use them for energy. Complex carbs take much longer (more on this later), which means they can provide the body with energy for hours rather than a very short time like simple carbs. The complex carbs also come with additional nutrients like vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants, and more. Simple carbs, on the other hand, are typically only going to offer sugar with no other nutritional benefits. Because of this, complex carbs should be seen as an essential part of all diets, and simple carbs should be avoided entirely, or only eaten on very rare occasions.
How are Complex Carbs Metabolized?
The health benefits of all foods are only available once the body breaks down and metabolizes the nutrients within. When you eat complex carbs, the digestion process starts almost immediately upon putting it in your mouth. Human saliva contains an enzyme that begins the process of breaking down the carbohydrate chains. This process continues in the stomach and intensifies once the food has reached the small intestines. In the small intestines, more enzymes are applied to the carbohydrates, which will eventually break them down into base sugars. These sugars are then able to be passed into the bloodstream and used as energy for the body. All other nutrients that come as part of the complex carbs are stripped away and used for various things in the body throughout the digestion process.
Complex Carbs & Fiber
In almost all cases, complex carbs come in foods that also have a good amount of
fiber. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate, but unlike other types, the body is unable to break it down into sugars. Instead, the body passes it through the intestines, and out of the body. It is not entirely useless. Fiber helps to promote healthy bowels and allows the body to produce regular stools so that people do not suffer from constipation. Most people will have noticed that fiber is listed directly under the carbs on the nutritional information labels. When reading these labels, one should essentially subtract the number of grams of fiber from the total amount of carbohydrates to get an accurate picture of how many carbs the body is going to be turning into sugar. This is also an easy way to determine whether a particular food has simple or complex carbs. Foods with simple carbs will typically have a significantly higher total carb count than fiber count, whereas foods with complex carbs will have a much better balance.
Where to Find Complex Carbohydrates
Getting enough complex carbohydrates is very important. Even the so-called ‘low carb’ diets need to have complex carbs. Fortunately, they can be found in many delicious foods that are easily available. They can also come in most categories of food. The following list provides excellent sources of complex carbs in each of the different food groups.
Complex Carbs in Whole Grains
Whole grains can be an excellent source of complex carbs. Looking for bread and pasta made with one or more of the whole grains listed below is a great way to get plenty of complex carbs and fiber in a diet:
- Quinoa
- Oats
- Wheat
- Brown Rice
- Buckwheat
- Barley
- Sorghum
Complex Carbs in Fruits
Not surprisingly, fruits are a very healthy source of complex carbohydrates. The following list contains fruits with high amounts of complex carbs. Most other fruits also contain complex carbs, but often at lower levels:
- Apples
- Blackberries
- Blueberries
- Cantaloupe
- Grapefruit
- Grapes
- Guava
- Kiwi
- Mango
- Nectarine
- Orange
- Papaya
- Peach
- Pear
- Apricot
- Pineapple
- Raspberries
- Strawberries
- Watermelon
Complex Carbs in Vegetables
Vegetables can be a good source of complex carbs, but many people are surprised to learn that the total number of carbs in veggies is usually not that high. Of course, vegetables offer many other exceptional health benefits, so they should be a part of every diet. For those looking to get complex carbs from their vegetables, the following are the best options:
- Edamame
- Brussels Sprouts
- Carrots
- Corn
- Okra
- Onions
Complex Carbs in Dairy
There is a decent number of complex carbs in low-fat milk and yogurt. Full-fat versions of these foods have significantly fewer complex carbs because the fat content remains, which essentially dilutes the carbs. In general, dairy is not the best source of complex carbs, but for those who need an additional source, these two foods can be an option.
Complex Carbs in Seeds, Nuts & Legumes
Seeds, nuts, and legumes are a good option because they can provide people with a nice balance of complex carbs and proteins. The most important thing to remember when choosing from this category is to avoid versions that are ‘honey roasted’ or otherwise sweetened. The sugars used to sweeten these foods are all simple carbs and should be avoided. Raw, baked, or dry roasted versions can be a healthy snack. As can be seen in this list, however, most of the traditional nuts do not have much by way of complex carbs:
- Kidney Beans
- Chick Peas
- Soy Beans
- Split Peas
- Lentils
- Pinto Beans
Adding Complex Carbs to a Diet
It is easy to see that complex carbs are an essential nutrient for any diet. Planning means that will provide plenty of complex carbs while minimizing simple carbs is key to building a strong and healthy body.